Your Self-Talk is Key to Attracting Your Soulmate (an excerpt from my ebook: Law of Attraction: Secrets to Attract Love, Joy and Abundance)

Every thought you think and every word you say expands your present situation. What this means is that if you believe life sucks, it does because you get exactly what you believe.
You can change your words and thoughts right now to attract positive circumstances. Will it happen overnight? That all depends on how long you have been walking around with negative beliefs and how committed you are to retraining your brain so you can access all the love, joy and abundance life has to offer.
When I coach people who are longing for their soulmate, the first thing we work on is changing the old dialogue of:
- “All the good ones are taken” or “I only attract losers.”
Before I can even help them, I make them aware of their negative self-talk. They are stunned to realize how much their thoughts and words have been holding them back from meeting the right person. I teach people to immediately redirect their thoughts and comments with phrases like:
- “Of course I am going to meet my soulmate! I am lovable and someone is waiting to meet me and love me unconditionally!”
- “There are kind, caring, attractive people looking for a commitment, and I only have to meet one beautiful soul.”
- “I attract a partner who is physically, financially, spiritually and emotionally healthy and able to commit to me.”
Saying these new phrases lightens their energy and makes my clients feel better. So while they are waiting to meet their soulmate, they are happier and hopeful. This is the positive energy that is going to draw your lover to you.
If you don’t look at your life as an endless possibility of opportunities, you will miss them! A wonderful man could be sitting right next to you, but you are so angry about a past relationship, you haven’t even noticed him. You could meet a beautiful woman who is perfect for you, but you are so busy complaining about how hurt you have been and how hard it is for you to trust someone, that you sabotage the potential for a loving relationship that is being offered to you right this very moment.
You can turn your negative self-talk around right now by just being aware of your thoughts and words, stopping yourself from thinking and saying them, and then finding a positive thought or statement to replace it that is aligned with the direction of your dreams and goals. Understanding this is the first gateway to attracting exactly who you want into your life.
My books are available on my website: Georgettevanvliet