Affirmations that Lift Your Spirits
This is a perfect affirmation when you are feeling discouraged, depressed, anxious or unsure about the course of your life. We have all had these experiences: you’ve been dumped, cheated on, had a friend ghost you, a critical boss upset you, or a family member acts strange…our first reaction is to question ourselves, which is reasonable. It is important to self-reflect because we are not perfect. We are a part of every relationship we have, and personal development means you can take a deeper look into your actions and behaviors to see if you have hurt, offended, or angered someone. But after that, many of us sink into a swirl of negative emotions, such as, “I’m not good enough, or why does this always happen to me?”
You can search your soul, but there are many times in your life that you will never know why someone stepped away from you, and that is the best time to say the affirmation, “I am divinely guided.”
“I am divinely guided” reminds you that life may be showing you a different path. It makes you aware that there is something greater waiting for you and the only way to guide you there is through change. Divinely guided means you acknowledge that the divine is within you as intuition, God, the universe, whatever word you want to use, but you understand that within you is a power and if you allow it to guide you, you develop a knowing and a trust that the events of your life are leading you somewhere. That’s what the Law of Attraction affirmation, “It’s this or something better” means. When you say these affirmations, it builds your trust to believe that something better is about to unfold.
If I can, I like to sit quietly or take a meditative walk when I say, “I am divinely guided.” I like to use the time to open my mind and heart to release my fears and allow myself to visualize a brighter future. Even though I know God is in my heart, I like to look up at the sky and say, “Okay, what is next?” I think the vastness of the sky helps me appreciate how many opportunities are available to me and it reminds me to think BIG.
Initially, you may not believe you are being divinely guided, but as you repeatedly recite the affirmation, you will start to feel better. I have it posted in my kitchen, and I read it every day. I smile, it makes me feel good, and it deepens my belief to appreciate life and to trust that, “Everything is always working out for me” (another famous Law of Attraction affirmation!). As you start to believe that you are divinely guided, you open your heart and mind to receiving new ideas and inspiration that can guide you to living the life of your dreams, even if you are struggling in the moment. You have a bright sparkly future ahead of you because You Are Divinely Guided!