As the moon waxes and wanes, the oceans ebb and flow, and spring awakens dormant trees, I can’t help but notice how much nature mirrors our life’s journey. So many aspects of our existence lie dormant like trees in winter. We get bored with work. We become fickle with our friends. Family members irritate us. There are periods of life that mirror the perpetual overcast of the winter sky.
Marriages lie dormant during difficult times and as couples experience mounting tension, they may wonder, “Is this all there is?” But just as a dormant tree’s roots continue to work and create a stronger base, marriage too needs time to rest before it can emerge stronger and better. This is hard to understand while the relationship appears to have lost its spark, but on the other side of those hardships is a deep, rewarding connection that you can only experience after the still of darkness. Just like a tree, a marriage needs light to bloom again.
We can find ways to rejuvenate ourselves, and as the flowers blossom, I am excited to see what will blossom for me as well. My son is attending a local college, but he is talking about dorming next year. My husband and I dream of owning a second home in South Carolina. My mother is aging. The dog is aging. It seems like all the stability I nurtured for so many years is fading away, and it seems natural that things will change — just like the seasons.
I have experienced deep darkness. So many of my most beautiful life lessons about love, grace, gratitude and forgiveness have risen because I didn’t want to be depressed anymore, which required me to look deep within my soul to understand all that was troubling me. I like to think of the darkness as the winter sky — grey and murky. It seems like the sun will never shine again, but it does. And when it finally comes, it is strong, ever-present and warms my body and soul.
As the flowers bud this spring, I am reminded of my own rebirth. I am proud of the patience I have had to practice positive thinking daily. There were days when I didn’t want to get out of bed, but I persisted. I truly believed that my vitality was in me somewhere and that I could live a full happy life. I woke up every morning and wrote a gratitude list. I thanked God for the beauty of my life. When the darkness would seep in, I would ask God to forgive me because it felt impossible to be in gratitude when all I wanted to do was cry. But those times would pass. And when they did, I felt glorious. I understood that the more I focused on what was good in my life and what was working well, that I would attract more beauty, joy, love and abundance. I emerged from my winter solstice with a strength so deep that all the superficialities of my life evaporated and all that was left was the best version of me.
There is no roadmap that can speak to every human being. We are all unique and have to figure it out for ourselves. The natural flow of life isn’t perfect. As a mindset coach, I am constantly reminding people that life isn’t a Hollywood movie. There will be challenges. Relationships will experience ebbs and flows. Sometimes you can stand still — in neutral — just like the grey sky, and relax and expect the best. We can trust that life has a way of working things out for us. We don’t have to do anything but flow with the rhythm and the seasons of our lives.
Georgette Van Vliet is a self-help author, life coach, and expert mindset strategist. Her books offer simple ways to release negativity to enjoy a life of love, joy and abundance. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram @Georgettevanvliet for inspiration. Her books are available at www.georgettevanvliet.com.