Positive Self-Talk Impacts Your Success
Facing challenges and controversy is a natural part of life. We struggle with our disappointments and feel discouraged when we are not sure how to move forward. And this is where positive thinking/self-talk inspires and motivates. I’ll give you some examples:
You were passed up for a promotion and feel frustrated. Positive thinking/self-talk could be:
· Which of my personal or professional skills do I need to evaluate? Is there a way for me to improve, so I get what I want in the future?
· Maybe there is a better job for me elsewhere. I’ll polish my resume and broaden my scope. This could be an exciting new adventure!
You are struggling with relationship issues. Positive thinking/self-talk could be:
· Am I being loving? Am I putting in the effort or has this relationship gone on automatic pilot? We loved each other once, and we could bring that back. I’m going to reflect on how I can create a more loving, happy home environment.
· If we can’t find a solution, is there a way to break up gracefully and respectfully, so we can both move on and find happiness?
You are longing to meet your soulmate. Positive thinking/self-talk could be:
· I believe in love, and I know I will meet someone. I will be patient and find joy in my life, so I attract happy, loving experiences. In the meantime, I will reflect and realize that there are aspects of me I would like to improve. There are also aspects of me that are wildly wonderful, and I absolutely will attract a wonderful, caring, loving, devoted partner.
This is the type of positive self-talk I do for myself and the work I encourage my clients to do. Move swiftly through the self-pity, victimhood stage, which usually involves thinking about the problem over and over again with the attitude of “Why me? I can’t believe this happened to me.” It’s okay to be upset, but then focus your energy on finding a solution.
Believe me, I know this isn’t always easy. It’s a practice that requires you to be patient, loving, and kind towards yourself, but it is well worth the time and effort to develop a mindset that solves issues with ease, grace, and outcomes that support living your best life.
Georgette Van Vliet is a self-help author, life coach, and a passionate promoter of positive thinking who helps people find and keep love, attract financial prosperity, and develop a positive mindset. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram @Georgettevanvliet for inspiration. Her books are available at www.georgettevanvliet.com.