Overcoming Dating Doubts

You’ve been hurt and betrayed, which makes it all the sweeter when you finally meet a loving person who wants to be in a committed relationship with you.
So how do you get to a place where your heart and mind are open to love and you have released the hard feelings of the past?
One of my favorite practices that I share with clients is, whenever you think about meeting someone new and your mind immediately goes to, “There are no good ones left. What is the use. Everyone I meet is a jerk…”
Allow yourself to pause for a minute, take a deep breath and close your eyes if you can (don’t close your eyes if you are driving!). Take another deep breath, so you feel your shoulders and facial muscles relax. Then repeat the following,
“I believe my true love will be devoted and committed to our relationship. This beautiful relationship has financial responsibility and stability, and we are a perfect match for each other spiritually and emotionally. We are going to grow together. We will work through the normal challenges couples face with grace and ease, which will enhance our communication skills and our ability to support and care for each other. We are committed to building a life together. How exciting! And so it is.”
Then take another deep breath, visualize this beautiful relationship and smile. Feel the warmth in your heart and solar plexus. This is a simple way to overcome relationship angst, so when the right person comes along, you are ready and open for a loving, lasting relationship to enter your life.